Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day One

Pah, wat's there to say? No hunger, no pains or discomfort, more energy clearer mind, sharper senses. I think since i've already adapted to a low claorie diet, fasting isn't so much of a shock, however i AM now begining to feel a slight weakness. I still have energy just not readily available. The more i do the more energy will be released, so how much energy i have will be directly related with my will to do it. Did a salt water flush this morning with only 500mL and got some nasty gook out, unfortunatly it feels as though i didn't get everything out, so i'm doing a 1.5L one tonight, that should clear me out, then i'll have to find some method of enema.
It's funny i'm begining to see the world a bit differently than i usually do. I've had this strange feeling all day that life is just this HUGE video game. It feels as if this world is a virtual copy of another world just like most video game worlds are a copy of our world. But it's wierd i just don't feel like I'm my body like i usually do, i feel like ...idk i can't really word it, but it just doesn't feel like any of this is real. I seems like a dream world. I don't our dreams we feel like we're in the situation we're dreaming of, yet our body is resting still...i wonder if in this world we feel as if we're in the situation we percieve to be real but our true selves are actually elsewhere. This isn't the first time i've thought like this, it's just staying with me longer. I also got a chance to stare at the setting sun, i could feel it's energy rushing in through my eyes. I always feel rejeuvenated and empowered after staring at the sun for a bit. Been doing it for over a year now and still no sign of ocular degeneration (poorer eyesight).
So, nothing special here, day one is done no sweat, i just walked around for awhile. Though actually i did notice that there were alot more distractions than usual. Lots of attractive girls, tasty food and people wanting my time...I've been keeping my thoughts on God and on my own life though. It seems this will also be a test of my focus. Obviously will do everything it can to cause me to fail, so i must keep my thoughts pure and focused, i can't get caught up in the world; this is a SPIRITUAL fast, not a worldly one. But anyway, I'm going to do another salt water flush and begin to go to bed. It's about 7 o clock and the sun id goin down so i figure after 2 hours on the can i should be in bed at 9, lol.

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