Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 5

Phew man today was tiring. I'm noticing the effect of tapping into my normal strength, and it's REALLY exhausting. Had a dream that played this polyphonc symphony with like 3-5 parts and i remember hearing them all at was beautiful, unfotunatly i forgot it when i woke up. Just more motivation to learn lucid dreaming :). Also i had a strange experience where my pits smelled lik peaches, it was AWESOME ,lol. but it only lasted for a few hours. Still haven't taken an enema but the bowl pains have stopped.
I walked tonight with vinny and sam. They smoked weed while i just lay in the field and listened to them open up. I began to realize how deep sam goes and how much we think alike, it was really neat to hear him open up...he's usually not one to talk. Shame cause his ideas and thoughts are REALLY...powerful? idk, he speaks with wisdom. But yeah we did alot of walking and my body almost shut down on me a few times. MAD nausia and weakness. But now i'm fine, i'm chilling wit vince playing Metal Gear Solid 3. he's also teaching me some massage basics which i REALLY wanna learn.
Lastly i'm begining to lose that incredible drive i once had, now i'm just kinda flowing with it. I'm not sure i'll be able to go on a raw food diet after the fast but i'll DEF go vegetarian/vegan because it just tastes SOOOO good. Plus it still have a long time to complete major life changing goals. I'm begining to connect more with the idea of staying connected with people and helping them find happiness and peace over just shunning them all and finding my own ascention. Don't get me wrong, my goal is still to break the cycle of reincarnation and reach enlightenment as early as possible to i have plenty of time to help others, but at the same time...i don't think cooking my food will prevent me from doing that, though it may hurt my body, one of my goals is to use spiritual "magic" to keep my body nurished and healthy and not be entirely dependent on the physical. Thats where i'm at now, who know's how my mind will change as i progess. Also 40 days seems like quite a journey... maybe something more like 23 or 25 would be better. The reason i say this is that i'm begining to feel hungry again, lol. With this added burden i can no longer garuntee that i'll make it 30-40 days. Perhaps if i summon back the mindset i began this with i'll last longer, but i'll have to pley it by ear. Again i WILL make it 10 days at LEAST. How far after that i'll only be able to gauge after day 10. but tomorrow is day six, i'm more than half way there and i still feel exelent. I'm seeing closer to 15 right now. Hopefully in time that will extend, but again only time will tell.
So here ends day five. Very tiring, but i'm sure tomorrow will be better. Still have plenty of stregnth left :)

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