Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Silence before the storm

Actually far from it, lol. I'm playing my last day of guitar hero. Today i have been eating lots of fruit like peaches and dried berries and such to get in some potassium before the salt enema tommorow morning. I'm also printing out some teachings and writings of spiritual nature so i will have much to reflect upon and read during my fast. We are the result of what we think about. A man who constantly thinks about violence will be violent, a man who constantly thinks about sex will be sexual, a man who constantly thinks about god will be godly. So in this fast i'm going to be thinking about "God" and spiritual development so that my mind may stay on this topic after the fast as well. Fasting is not only great for reflection and healing but also for programming the mind. I don't believe the mind in and of itself has consciousness. I see the mind as a transmitter of information stored in cells, something that interprets information to a form usable by the body. I believe the Spirit is what makes decisions based on the information provided and the influences present. So as a spirit I will also be attempting to program my mind to serve ME instead of by body. Through this I hope to find it easier to keep my mind on my spiritual development and not get distracted as easily.

It's Nightime, i'm noticing INCREDIBLE energy, but i'm also noticing racing thoughts, doubt and a few other undesirable mental effects. I still haven't taken pics yet, waiting for mom to buy me a camera :p. I can tell this will be much more of a mental battle than a physical one. I've already prooved that my body feels better with less food, now I need to tame the wild stallion that is my mind and harness it's power so as to direct it in cooperation with my will. My mind fears that my organs will not be powerful enough to eliminate all of the excess toxins that will be dumped in my bloodstream. Of course it would be easier if I were doing martial arts and liver flushes and such months before but i'm not doing this to be healthy, i'm doing this to control my flesh. Remembering this will be the key to winning this battle. If i get obsessed with health, fear will consume me and i will lose. My mind will constantly try to make excuses to stop me from completing this fast for it serves my body, however once i show that I (the spirit) am superior it will serve me and my body will finally be realized for what it is...nothing but a vessel, a tool to complete work in this world.
I'm waiting for Vince to get back from Temple, so we can have a fruit feast. He's going to fast with me, though for how long i'm not sure. Physically he can easily last much longer than me, but mentally i'm not sure if he has the same kind of determination and drive. Also he'll prolly recieve alot of heat from his family. I'm fortunate that my grandad (whom i'm living with right now) respects my privacy and doesn't bother me, it's a blessing that i'm in the situation i am.

Alright i had some apricots, dates and some raw honey. I'm rather full fater such a small amount of food. A good sign for me, shows that my stomach has adapted and shrunk. I don't know if my mom is coming down or not or if i'll get the chanxe to take photos. Maybe i'll use Vince's phone. Anyway This is the close of tonite. I'm gonna talk wit vince and play the last of guitar hero.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Starting of Water Fast

As of October 1st 2009 I will be embarking on a spiritual journey. I will be fasting on water alone for a minimal of 10 days, but really am shooting for 30-40. This fast is going to demonstrate my dominance as spirit, over my flesh. For too long have I played victim to the powerful influence of my bodily urges. Through this spiritual fast I will be reflecting upon many things including the 7 Deadly Sins/8 Tempting Thoughts, Happiness, Freedom/Independance, Death, Ascension, Healing, Lifestyle, etc. During this time I will be spending most of my time outside in the woods where there is plenty of sunlight, water, soil and air. I will be drinking only water bottled in glass (plastic is actually rather toxic); the brand name is "Acqua Panna", its natural spring water bottled in Tuscany, Italy. I chose this because it was the only glass bottled spring water at superfresh and was only $1.79 per 0.75 liters O.o. I will be reading much documentation and writings of monks and spiritual adepts, also I will be praying and meditating daily, focusing my thoughts on love, happiness, praise, thanks and other positive feelings.

I will be taking measurements and photos tommorow so I can take note of any and all changes that occur during this journey. My diet so far has been on and off. The past couple of weeks have been rather bad; lots of meats, sugary foods and fried foods. Today and yesterday i have been eating raw cheese as to pack in some last min. fat and aminos. Tommorow I will be eating fruit only. I am eating fruit so i can get my potassium levels up for cellular hydration and to counter the salt water flush i will be doing to start off this fast. The morning of day 1 I will be doing a salt water flush, then every day after that for the next 7 days i will be doing a daily warm water enema using heated spring water from glass bottles. The enemas should eliminate any waste accumilated in the colon and ease the toxic load so my body can handle it. Upon breaking this fast I will be following a raw lacto-vegetarian diet and pursuing yoga, martial arts and healing arts.

Naturally my daily progress will be documented in my blog. I will probably write either upon awakening or at nite before rest.